Your toughest, most critical opponent will always be yourself. You will be hardest on yourself before the game, meeting, lecture, discussion has even begun. The goal is not to. The goal is to quiet the toughest opponent in your head, tell them to come out when you need them, when you need that extra kick, that last push. And never before. Not before you’re started.

They remember the time you took to explain a problem. They remember your patience. They remember the extra meeting you setup to make sure everyone understood the problem. They remember you walking through the issue once, twice and thrice. Ask anyone, it’s always the little thing that everyone remembers.

Recent news that started in January has many companies forgoing Remote work and having one back in the office. You can search for “remote back to office” and find the results – from some of the biggest companies. We went from supporting Remote Work, setting people up with allowances to improve their home environments to going back to the office. This is the third wave of remote work – the first was when everyone was…