Whether it’s your sales, project, lead or work funnel – we all experience that moment where it contracts and the phones stop ringing.

Perhaps it’s because you haven’t been able to put in the daily work to maintain that consistent growth or maybe everyone has simply gone on vacation.

Whatever the case, now is not the time to worry, now is the time to dig.

Perhaps your normal channels are no longer working and it’s time to branch out into new areas.  How can you improve your reach, expand to more people, find more opportunities.

Or, maybe everything is all good and this is a great opportunity for you to focus on your overall solution work and making your end product better.

Or, maybe it’s a problem with your niche, maybe it’s too small or large and you need to redefine it.

Whatever the case – there are many reasons for why a funnel can be shrinking and what you do about it next.

The trap you must strive to avoid is the one where you immediately start to think – “I’m not good enough, I’m horrible at this, I should quit”.

Because that’s not the funnel speaking, that’s your own fear of failure projected onto an event that is talking.

Want more? Check out my book Code Your Way Up – available as an eBook or Paperback on Amazon (CAN and US).  I’m also the co-host of the Remotely Prepared podcast.


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