Years ago, I was working on software that had to be tested against multiple audio mics and headsets. We were interested in seeing what the experience would be and whether we could recommend it to our customers.
I remember doing a demo with our sales manager, we were on a call chatting away when he popped up behind me to show how his bluetooth headset was working.
This worked for our little impromptu demo with each other.
This wouldn’t work for one of his sales calls, to show up behind me and tap me on the shoulder to come into the call and ask a question.
They wouldn’t risk my not being there.
They wouldn’t risk a potential unprofessional answer.
They wouldn’t risk the disconnect.
We are engaging in an insurmountable amount of remote meetings and have been doing an incredible job to date. Don’t get lazy now.
Don’t start taking meetings while walking your dog.
Don’t take meetings while washing dishes.
Don’t take meetings while getting dressed.
If anything, doing any of the above and more, is a surefire way to turn a 15 minute meeting into a 30 minute back and forth that leaves you feeling frustrated.
Want more? Check out my book Code Your Way Up – available as an eBook or Paperback on Amazon (CAN and US).