When someone says – “I want a bag of chips” – and you go to the store and return with a bag of chips, you are invariably destined to get the ill-fated response of – “Those aren’t the kind I wanted.”
Such is life in any request for software.
I want it to be blue. (But really, only in the bottom right corner).
We need to be agile. (But we don’t want to change what we are doing).
We should use this framework. (Not really, but it sounds nice).
These are the statements that will be thrown at you as you try to work on the delivery of a solution or problem, none of which are easy to solve on their own.
Which is why the questions you ask, will become that much more important to ensure you return with the correct bag of chips.
I used to just go grab a bag of chips and say – “Surprise, now let me sell you on them” – but am realizing, where the my real strength is, is in asking the questions to ensure I only go to the store once or even better, figure out what they want are fries and not crisps.
Want more? Check out my book Code Your Way Up – available as an eBook or Paperback on Amazon (CAN and US).