Season Finales set up the next season.
Their magic is in taking a break and creating that tension between the end and the new beginning.
I was recently reading Patrick Stewart’s Make it So, where he pointed out the Borg cliffhanger that left many of us young Star Trek fans, waiting, patiently, very patiently, running through scenarios as to what would happen when the series began anew.
We don’t have season finales in our work where we finish off a great release and then hold off doing anything new so we can think about the next season – what characters we need to change, where we need to take the team/show, what we want to accomplish, etc, etc.
What if we built them into our work?
What if after every release, we didn’t dive into the next sprint to keep going, but looked at what we need to do to make it better, stronger, more impressive than the last?
What does your next season look like?