The reviewer’s responsibility is to read what is put in front of them, acknowledge the content, and provide feedback where appropriate.

If they don’t read it, they aren’t reviewing it, if they aren’t reviewing it they are not a reviewer.

Finding reviewers is not easy – the good ones provide know the reason they are reviewing, they don’t rush it, they look at multiple points of view and provide feedback because that’s what is asked of them.

The person that might be asking for a document, might not be the reviewer you need.  This can be extremely frustrating because one would presume they are one and the same when in fact they are not.

Great reviewers are hard to find, they elevate your work, when you find them, make sure you tell them that and reciprocate – reviewers need reviews.

Want more? Check out my book Code Your Way Up – available as an eBook or Paperback on Amazon (CAN and US).  I’m also the co-host of the Remotely Prepared podcast.


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