Tools are great for making tasks you know and understand go faster.
I.e., I know how to use a screwdriver, a drill is much faster, and the purpose of the drill is to make holes and screw in screws faster.
I know the problem, I have the solution.
However, if you are buying a tool that you “think” will solve a problem, but doesn’t really and adds a lot of overhead to what you are doing – it’s not going to help you.
In our simplistic example above, I could buy a hammer drill (not great for screwing things in, but good for making holes in concrete, to attach an anchor to then screw in). This tool sort of helps, but not completely, it doesn’t do all the job I need and I have to make sure that people aren’t always turning on the Hammer Drill functionality all the time when say drilling into wood.
Don’t buy a tool that kind of fixes or problem, or does enough of it – when you do, all you’re doing is adding overhead to the work in front of you where you still have the same problem in front of you.