Fixes are minor annoyances that bug us and hold us back.

Add a label, change the field, move a button to the right, add a new page, clean up the navigation, add in some extra fields, show this as a grid, use a different UI widget, etc, etc.

Fixes are a long list, they are the backlog that drags on forever that you open up and say – “Does this stuff still matter?”

They do, to someone, and they are holding back the success of your project and work.

Approaches are different.

Approaches are how we solve a group of fixes, how we step back and look at all these items and instead of fixing them one by one, we look at them as a whole and say – “maybe we need a different way to do validation”, “why are all of our fields misaligned when someone adds a new one?”, “Should we consistently show multiple records as grids?”

Your approach reduces your ongoing fixes, takes the guesswork out of how to address them, and gives you a template to move forward with them.

You can think up 10 different fixes to 10 different issues, or you can come up with 1 approach to fix 10 issues.

Want more? Check out my book Code Your Way Up – available as an eBook or Paperback on Amazon (CAN and US).  I’m also the co-host of the Remotely Prepared podcast.


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