When you don’t know the answer to a problem, you need to go look it up.

It might not be as formal as what it used to be – going to the library or bookstore – but what you’re doing is still the same – Research.

You’re digging into a topic you want to find the answer to.

The problem (if you want to call it that) with Research, is that when we start doing Research, it opens up more and more questions, you get a bit deeper, find your answer, and hen come up with a few other questions that question your original research so then you dig deeper even more.

This is the rabbit hole we can go down, continually doing more and more research.

From a learning perspective, this is great – this is how you grow and become stronger, and better at what you do and learn.

However, at some point, you have to stop and ask yourself – “Am I researching to find out more, or have I found out my answer and can move on?  Do I have enough information to make that decision and move on?”

That line is what matters when it comes to research, you can keep going down the rabbit hole trying to find the “best answer” or you can be satisfied with what you know, knowing where it stands, and move on to your other questions with goal towards pushing your original initiative/problem forward.

Want more? Check out my book Code Your Way Up – available as an eBook or Paperback on Amazon (CAN and US).  I’m also the co-host of the Remotely Prepared podcast.


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