You didn’t care before so does it matter now? Even if it’s “someone from here looked at your profile”. Does it matter? Someone from somewhere looked at a piece of your profile that is somewhere on the main page of all of the accomplishments and work you have done over the years. Did they zero in on anything? Did anything speak to them? Or was it nothing more than a keyword? A targeted search? A…
Want to break out of your meeting “blahs” or get a problem completely out of your head? Go for a walk – a cold walk – a walk so cold that your face is freezing and all you can think about is getting back to working on that problem you were trying to escape from. A walk where all you can think about is your face freezing and how warm your mitts truly are. I…
I see it with other bloggers, I see it with my own writing. I’ll have a spark of a great idea, start writing the draft, and then see that I wrote about it before with that elusive “-2” added to the post URL. I used to get bummed out “I stole my idea” but not anymore. I write the post, I push it out and only then do I go back and look at what…
Do you know what you’re up against? Another team? Another product? Another competitor? Is that what you’re up against or is that what is easy to write down that you’re up against? Perhaps it’s more… Your own ideas? Your ability to execute? Your own ambition? The other person down the hall who is trying to get work done as quickly as you? The podcast that ships out content 2 days before you? You might not…
When you don’t know the answer to a problem, you need to go look it up. It might not be as formal as what it used to be – going to the library or bookstore – but what you’re doing is still the same – Research. You’re digging into a topic you want to find the answer to. The problem (if you want to call it that) with Research, is that when we start doing…