


Old ideas don’t die. They get re-packaged, updated, built upon, and shipped in something different and better than before. They evolve. Just because you did something before and it didn’t work, doesn’t mean it won’t work this time with a few tweaks to it.

If it’s “not much” – chances are they aren’t as good as they should be. If you are the one running them and that’s your answer, I’d put a pause on them now.  Of all the people in the room, you’re the one who needs to be getting the most from those meetings and if you’re not, well there is a big, big problem. And if you don’t know what you need to get out…

The first step in anything is yours to take. It’s yours because you know what the first step is and if you don’t take it, you’ll wish you had. No one said it was going to be an easy step to take. But you’ll make it worth it and never look back.

Code is meant to be broken, reiterated over, broken again and again and again until it cannot function anymore. That is what code is meant to do. It works, it changes, it breaks, it gets fixed, it works again. Welcome to coding! Let the everlasting Frustration and Joy begin.

When I used to build Contact Centre Software, I marveled at the impressiveness of the MUTE button – it worked 100% of the time without fail – and thank you so so much. Now it’s a joke when it comes to video conferencing – “you’re on mute”, “you’re still on mute”. We took this great, rock-solid implementation and we made it into a meme and a joke. But for years it was the most rock-solid…