A Guideline is a set of suggestions for how you should approach solving a Problem. A Policy is a set of directives for how you must approach solving a problem. A Rule is a standard you must uphold when solving a problem. We say things are policies or rules but mostly they are guidelines if we dig deep and we have how more freedom then we think in how to approach solving a problem.
How many times do you open the package and throw out the instructions? I do all the time. But someone worked on them because they knew I was going to do things wrong right out of the gate. The ones I do read, they aren’t written in 6px fonts and folded over 17 times. It’s akin to the person with the headache trying to understand the dosage they need to take. They aren’t looking for…
The Grind is what we backdrop to when we aren’t sure what to do. It’s the work that is always there, that if we sit down or put on a timer that we would simply work through it. It’s the pile as high as a mountain that is higher than we wish that we are just waiting to see what will happen. It’s there, waiting to get done but because it’s not sexy, cool, or…
Everyone has their own narrative, everyone has their own story they tell themselves. Their hopes, their dreams, their purpose, their direction. It’s all wound up in your narrative. The goal of a leader is to get everyone’s narrative on the same page, everyone focused on the same narrative, everyone bought into it, and everyone working towards it. Directing the narrative is the first step to getting your team moving in the same direction.
Many video games are based on similar engines and formulas. They know what works and they follow that plan, new games come along because the engine is proven and they re-use it to save money. The formula stays the same with little to no improvement, costs decrease, and the need to do “well” drops because development time was saved and we can do “meh”. Or you can stay in a hole for a while, or…