


There is a huge gap between what we do and what we track – and that is the gap between code and tickets. There are many great tools out there that can you help you manage one or the other, but the gap between them still exists and all comes down to one simple statement. I don’t want my work to be tracked. “I want to be creative” “I don’t want to be a factory”…

To do all the work you need to do, you need to have a connected environment to a network that not only lets you work on that particular task, but it opens a dizzying array of other things you can be doing. Watching YouTube while you work. Incoming messages coming at you. Seeing twitter updates scroll in. Seeing newsfeeds update. Now more than ever it is a task in itself to get yourself to focus…

Your last project is done. It’s over. It’s complete. It’s left the building. And now, everything you have been putting off has come flooding back to you.  You can think now, it’s no longer consuming you and it’s time to finish everything else you put on hold.

How Hard you work determines how successful you’ll be. It’s that simple. If you are not having to work hard, it’s most likely because someone worked hard before you and you are now able to leverage that work. Someone had to work hard for you be successful, it’s either going to be you or someone else.

The Last Bug is always the most satisfying to fix. It doesn’t matter what status it has associated with it, what state it is in, or how long it takes. It’s the icing on the cake and it’s the greatest feeling to ship it and call it a day. Until the next bug comes in and you have to start all over again… then that becomes the last bug.