


Here’s how you run performance, scalability, and load tests. Write down what you are going to test. Write down how you are going to test it. Write down how you are going to measure the test. Run the test. Report on the test. Rinse, Tweak, and Repeat Don’t worry if, in the first round, you get it wrong, that’s why you rinse, tweak and repeat to keep getting better and better at it. Most times…

Setbacks are minor disruptions in our plans to try something new. Blowbacks are the unintended consequences when someone comes down on us because our plan didn’t work. Setbacks are not equal to Blowbacks. We have the choice to recover from Setbacks, Blowbacks we have no control over (so stop worrying about them).

I have my favourite tools to do building projects with.  I don’t even know if I always need them, but when starting a new project, I always bring them. And eventually, I need them. They are the old stalwarts that never fail. Similarly, the tools I write and code with don’t change much anymore.  I’ve tried a variety of tools but they generally all come back to the same ones.  I drift back because they…

When you’re building a house, you can’t change everything as you’re building it. You can’t just start adding rooms without having a foundation to support them.  Once the plumbing is installed, you can’t move toilets and showers, and bathrooms altogether.  If you started off with a 3 bedroom plan, going to 5 is going to be a challenge to build something with all the same amenities. That’s how it is, you have a plan, a path,…

If you’re delivering your work and leading your team. Don’t worry about the things you miss. Focus on what it does and how your team is doing. You don’t need to have the flashiest presentation to look the best if you aren’t delivering anything behind it. The optics always take care of themselves.