


I generally see metrics as what it is – # of users on the site, and # of tickets logged – the factual, the undisputed. It doesn’t mean they are golden, it doesn’t mean they are the absolute truth, it means they are the start of something, the jump-off point, the easy calculation to kick off something else. They are the starting point for what comes next and if they don’t make sense, find a…

I’ve been watching For all Mankind as of late and aside from the sci-fi premise, it’s the alternate path that’s that we could go down that makes it truly interesting.  Who knows what could have or would have been, but the alternate path, the other way things could go is a treat to watch. There has never been one path to accomplish a goal, there are always many paths and it doesn’t hurt to take…

Complicating it, providing options, features, checkboxes, and radio buttons. We think it makes it better, but all it does is complicate it. Make it do what it was supposed to do, make it simple, and make it clean. That’s what your customers are here for.

I’ve always thought of Game Development Coding as the pinnacle of update distribution.  The next time you are using STEAM to install a new game or even the company’s own updating software (Battle.NET), watch how it handles updates, patch management, distribution of code, and pushing out updates to the community. Your first experience is in getting the application into your hands and using it.  They know this, they know the smoother, the easier, and the…

If you don’t have a baseline, you don’t know where you are starting from. If you don’t know where you are starting from, you can’t create a plan because whatever plan you come up with will be based on something that may or may not exist or may or may not be correct. Baselines set the foundation from where we start, they are ground zero and they are the point from which we move forward…