


Are routines better than streaks? Before streaks, we had routines, things we just did every time we had to do that thing. We didn’t gamify it, we didn’t streak it, we simply knew we had to do it and did it. Are routines harder to follow when you don’t have a counter helping you?

The goal isn’t to get them to where everyone else thinks they should be or when everyone else thinks they should be there. The goal is to get them there when you think they should be there and when you think the time is right for them to be there. You can’t level up your team following someone else’s plan if you don’t believe it.  Hold strong to what you are doing, it will pay…

What you coded today will most likely be part of a different library. It might be part of a shelved feature. It’s probably had a few bigs fixed against it. Perhaps there has been some heavy work done on it by a different developer. In short, it would have changed, maybe it’s doing more, maybe it’s doing less, but it’s not what it was when you released it a year ago. So stop worrying about…

Is it getting the release out the door on the date defined? Is it reducing bugs? Is it that the UX is smooth and simple? Is it that no one burned out getting it out? Shipping code is one aspect of a release, it doesn’t mean it’s the most definitive version of success.

Do you deliver quality work? Do you deliver code? Do you deliver articles or books? Do you deliver leadership programs? Do you deliver people growth? Do you deliver sound architecture? Do you deliver systems? Do you deliver honesty and integrity? Do you deliver empathy and support? Knowing what you deliver is how you’ll be able to figure out how you deliver it and then how it filters down into everything that you.