Processes are meant to be tweaked. To overhaul them, to have the suggestion that they need to be overhauled by one person on their team means one of two things; They don’t understand the process (and thereby think it needs to change) They understand the process (and thereby know it needs to change) You only overhaul once, after that, it’s tweaking on tweaks to keep improving it and making it better. If you’re overhauling your…
Everything. Testing is everything. If you aren’t testing then you aren’t shipping. Consider that the next time you are trying to squeeze your QA team down from four months to three months to two weeks in the hope that “everything works”. Hint: It won’t, but that’s why we test.
When we own something, it becomes a part of us and we want to see it succeed. It can be something as simple as a bug, a task, or any other kind of ticket. Until it’s in our name though, it’s just a thing that has to be done and anyone on the team can do it. But the moment your name gets added to it, now it’s yours, now it’s something. Now it can…
As easy as it would be, Sprint Capacity isn’t all about numbers. The numbers are the foundation to build a capacity but they aren’t the entire story. If you’re being asked to determine your team’s capacity, there are a number of factors you should be considering. Some factors I consider when looking at how I want to manage a sprint and what I think of when determining the capacity of the team; How many stories…
Whenever I’m stuck on a piece of code I can’t get past or take a look at that one user story no one wants to work on or look at the daunting amount of email I have in my inbox I always ask myself that same question… Can you Lead the Army of One? This question takes on greater meaning when working with new developers that want to take on leadership roles (whether with people,…