


1 – Something. 2 – Something Else. 3 – Something Again. You can pick your three reasons, make them up, make them harder and tougher as your work goes by, make them stack on each other, or simply make them so out of this world that you never have to deal with them again. Or you can ignore them and get to work. There will always be reasons and there will always be naysayers, but…

No one wants to be the last pick, but eventually we are. Whether it’s the school you want to attend, the job you want, the dodgeball team, etc, etc. Sometimes you are the last pick. What matters next is what you do knowing you were the last pick. Do you sit and complain about being the last pick or do you move forward and do something with it? Prove why you shouldn’t have been the…

That works in TV and Movies – pull up a screen (any screen) – blip, blap, bloop and you’ve got a working system that is up and running and ready to save the world. Of course that isn’t how it works ever. It takes time, patience, consistency, showing up each day, not throwing in the towel, going back to the drawing board, dealing with the setbacks, trying again and again. And have we mentioned the…

The Last Bug before any release is the one where everyone is standing over you, wanting it to get done. It’s been an irritation the entire release, you’ve pushed it off more times than you can count, it’s driving you nuts. The worst part is, that you don’t even know what is causing it. But when you figure it out, when you realize what was causing it, when the fix is right in front of…

If you can’t do it through the app, there is probably an API that will you do it or a background process. And although this is great, this begs the question – why can’t you do it through the app itself? Why is it restricted?  What was the reasoning? And if you’re now doing it through the API, why do you then need the app?  What is it giving you? Give your App the same…