


What is the Cosmic Collidatron? No idea. It doesn’t exist,  I tried looking it up. It’s nothing?  Or something? It’s whatever you want to make of it to create something with. Maybe it’s technology, perhaps it’s thought or even something physical? Whatever it is, it’s yours to create.

Don’t know. Everyone is different. Balance for one, is imbalance for another. You can find your balance, and what works for you, but know that it won’t work for everyone and it shouldn’t. Find your balance, but don’t force it on others.

There is a reason why deployments go wrong. Because we don’t know the order of things to be done and by whom. Deployments are commonly used for release planning and code. But they apply to everything. Knowing the steps of when something starts, when something takes over, when you start doing a new initiative – is a deployment. Know the steps to nail your next successful Deployment, leave little room for confusion.

Get there. Show Up. Appear. Sign In. Call it what you want, but physically accomplish those goals. The first step is always the same, no matter what new thing you are working on. Get there.

I came in this morning brimming with Creative Flow – ideas for posts were bouncing through my head and how to fix some persistent work problems. I could have started by doing my other work, but the pull was too great and I started writing them all down, getting them all out as fast as you can. I’m lucky because I have a job where I can do that for an hour a day, others…