Standards we follow, they ensure everyone is implementing repeatable work that can be shared amongst the team. I.e., we don’t need to use 7 libraries, we can use 2 and be great with it. Within those 2 libraries, be creative, come up with new ideas, and don’t be fearful of things going wrong. It’s in our creativity that our code and our work improve and grow our team. If you’re leading a team, encourage creativity,…
Recently I was having a discussion with a team on a document they produced. Before I launched into my feedback, I wanted to make sure I understood what the goals and purpose of the document were. “What do you mean our goals?” What do you want to achieve with this document? After a bit of back and forth we got to what the purpose and goal of the document was and that helped me understand…
I’ve always thought the best way to test out an idea, to start a product, is to extend someone else’s platform. Build a component on what they have, test it out, see how it works, and take it from there. It’s a minimal investment, it’s less risk, it requires very little investment (your time). It might not be your final destination, but it’s the best way to see if there is a market there for…
It clicks, everything works, and all that you have been working for falls into place. It’s an incredible feeling. And you invariably wonder – “Why did it take me so long to figure this out?” Maybe it’s your learning process. Maybe it’s because you didn’t reach out to anyone. Maybe it’s because you missed something. Whatever it was, take stock of what you missed and move on. Learn from it, don’t brood over it.
Not when the plan will change, but know that the plan WILL change. It will change, and you will have to adjust and roll with it. Give yourself slush time, space, confidence, etc in all your estimates. And work from there. But go in, knowing this will change and you will have to adapt – that is the first step to not being controlled and beholden to the plan.