


The end is not always clear, but the beginning always is,  it’s always right there in front of you. Clear as day, the beginning is always there. Start or not Start. Begin or not Begin. There is no confusion as to what happens next, it’s like Yoda says – “Do or Do Not, there is no Try”. Start or Don’t Start, there is no End. When you don’t start, you’ll never be able to see…

I am writing this on a Saturday. On a day when I should not be concerned with doing anything productive and yet I have that nagging voice in the back of my head telling me that I should be “getting up and doing something… anything”. You have this time, use it. You have this opportunity when no one is around, do something it. This is the time when no one is thinking about work or…

The period between starting something new, growing, and mastering it, is Craptivity. That period of living at the bottom of the chart, trying to figure things out, starting, stopping, and failing is where we all live, in whatever we are doing. It is the hardest stage of growth you will ever experience because there is no time limit on it (how nice would it be to know what your expected effort and outcome is in…

Write it Down. Get it out on any piece of paper possible, scrap, moleskin notebook, line sheet paper, post it, birch bark, whatever. Whatever is in your head, write it down, get it on paper, put it to the side and then look at it the next day. You don’t need a fancy notebook, but if that works do it. Just write it out.

The path you take is yours and yours alone. It’s not linear, it doesn’t follow what everyone else does, and it’s not based on how many years you work somewhere or go to school. It’s your path, filled with ups and downs and all around. In the moment, you’re not thrilled with your path, you might not enjoy the daily grind of it, and it might feel like all it does is hold you back.…