


Or do we look at a long email and go – not worth the effort? Too many pages – that’s going to be tough. The font is way too small for me to understand. When you read, you consume, you ponder, you digest, you think.  In some cases, you can’t finish it all at once so you again ponder and think. You don’t have to read everything and anything, but if it’s sent to you,…

Little waves lap at your feet. You can kick back at them. They don’t stop you. Big waves force you to hold your own, to stagger your footing, to withstand the wave as it hits you. Kicking back, you lose your balance and fall. Now, jumping into the wave – whether it’s going over it or under it – it might not work the first time.  You might get tripped up. But it’s better than…

There is a path, you haven’t been on it before, others have, to you it’s unknowable. It’s not the way you would do it. It’s not how you would word it. It goes against how you’ve done things in the past. It flips the script. All these reasons and more… are the reason you need to do it. The Unknowable Route is the one where you don’t know how things will turn out, where you…