


Admit it, you don’t know it all. No one does. We all want to. But no one does. And that’s why, at any stage of your life, you need a teacher. Someone to learn from. Someone to point out your mistakes. Someone to help you grow and get better. Don’t be a know-it-all, get a teacher and keep learning.

You have two choices in failure. Accept and move forward. Stew about it, get mad at it, live in it, always relate to it. You can look at those two statements and say – “I’m definitely #1” – but many people are not, #1 is who we want to be, but can’t, #2 is who many are. Take the time to stew about it, take the time to think, not too long though, because you…

Heard this from a friend the other day in regards to not getting something you wanted. You have two choices for you respond. Tell me why I didn’t get what I wanted? Tell me what I have to do to get what I want? One puts the blame on others, the other puts the growth and accountability on you. Which do you want to be?

Another set of SPAMMY emails I receive. “Can I have a moment?” Well if we’ve never met, and you emailed me out of the middle of nowhere (honestly I have no idea where you live, for all I know you could be on a space shuttle), chances are no we can’t have a moment? Because a moment, that word, means something treasured, something of value, some level of trust that has built up over time…

The weeks leading up to a big event are stressful. Everyone’s trying to get organized, the lists are never-ending, new items are getting added daily, it can feel like you’ll never be ready. And maybe you won’t, and here is the day, and all you can do now is… Enjoy it, support it, work through it, roll with it, learn from it, and grow.