


They remember the time you took to explain a problem. They remember your patience. They remember the extra meeting you setup to make sure everyone understood the problem. They remember you walking through the issue once, twice and thrice. Ask anyone, it’s always the little thing that everyone remembers.

Fixes are minor annoyances that bug us and hold us back. Add a label, change the field, move a button to the right, add a new page, clean up the navigation, add in some extra fields, show this as a grid, use a different UI widget, etc, etc. Fixes are a long list, they are the backlog that drags on forever that you open up and say – “Does this stuff still matter?” They do,…

What you put in, is what you get out. If you want to know more, you need to learn more (Udemy courses are cheap and a great Getting Started). If you want to have more experience, find more work (not always the easiest) but you can lower your rates, reach out to groups you wouldn’t normally hit up, market yourself to other companies, engage in freelancing, build “stuff” for yourself while looking for that great…

What product are you shipping? Is it your code?  Your writing?  Your art? It probably isn’t what you think it is and/or at least not in the tangible form that you would associate with being a typical product. It’s something more, something bigger. Your value. Your integrity. Your work ethic. Your drive. Your delivery. Your initiative. Maybe it’s all these, maybe it’s more – but that’s your product, that’s what you’re shipping, that’s what people…

You didn’t care before so does it matter now? Even if it’s “someone from here looked at your profile”. Does it matter? Someone from somewhere looked at a piece of your profile that is somewhere on the main page of all of the accomplishments and work you have done over the years. Did they zero in on anything? Did anything speak to them? Or was it nothing more than a keyword? A targeted search? A…