Not your sprint backlog. Not your work backlog. Your personal backlog, that big list of things rolling around in your head. Don’t let it grow uncontrolled. Don’t let it sit there collecting moss. Don’t let it take up rent in your mind. Clean it but, schedule the time, to think, ponder, and prune. And then move forward.
If the same question is getting you the same answer – you’re good. If the same question is getting you different answers, there is a problem. Time to dig in and figure out what it is, because it should always be the same.
Probably, maybe not, depends on what that doing is and actually means. Doing something for the sake of doing something to say you are doing something isn’t contributing to what you’re doing. We always have the feeling of doing something, but sometimes it’s better to figure out what needs to be done before jumping in and doing it.
Want to get better than others? Study from others. Subscribe to their Patreons, pin them on Pinterest, watch their YouTube, and emulate what they do. You’re not copying the artists, you’re studying them, and you’re listening to what they think about and process while doing work. The goal is to study and do your own thing from there.
If you can’t explain it simply. You can’t explain it. If it’s complicated, simplify it, get it down to the base problem, put the symptoms aside and focus on the core of what you are doing.