The morning routine is the 15 – 30 minutes of your day that you need to set yourself up for success. Breakfast on the run? Reading? Doing a puzzle? Writing down the days tasks? Going for a walk? Whatever it is, it’s that time, where you set yourself up for success for the day you have in front of you. If you hit your routine each day, it’s been a great day.
We all have them, and they aren’t people – it’s the one thing that stops you in your tracks and frustrates you to no end. For me it’s TLS and certificates, it’s a pain, I’ve tried learning it over and over again. I have bashed my head against the table on this subject over and over again. I secretly hope it is replaced by something much simpler – i.e., SECURITY_ON and SECURITY_OFF Other people get…
New Initiatives need a champion, they need someone to take the lumps and hits and push forward on them. New Initiatives are never easy, because the resistance is great and the pushback is real. That’s why initiatives need champions, with backpacks, because they have a lot to carry.
While everyone is working on the day-to-day, your focus, as the leader needs to be on their growth. What can they do to get better? What do they need? What are they missing? What do they want to be learning? Where can I help them? These are all the necessary pieces that you need to put together to help them achieve their growth plan so they can keep being the same great team that keeps…
Start – anything, something, not big, or small, but start. Repeat – do what you did yesterday, but do it again, don’t modify it, don’t increase it, don’t push yourself further. Keep Doing it – the hardest one – everyone can start Start and Repeat for a bit, but the “Keeping Doing it”, is the hardest part – how long can you keep doing it? What’s the record? Increase – Whatever your “Keep Doing it”…