


Everything requires maintenance. Including your Career. And if you’re not maintaining any of it, you’re not building it, expanding it, and taking it as far as it can go. Do courses that excite you. Watch videos that interest you. If you leave it up to someone else, they’ll simply provide you with a book that tells you when to do something (but not push you to do it).

If you’re not getting selected. If you’re not getting the opportunities you want. If you find yourself lacking. The only way to get there is to train better – whatever that better is, it’s the only way. And only you can do it.

No matter what you start, you will make tweaks/adjustments on the fly as you build towards your goal. Hiccups, changes, creep, advancements, the good, the bad, the ugly, everything and anything will be thrown your way and you will have to adjust on the fly. You can either get mad that you have to adjust or realize that it’s a part of everything you are doing to get better and improve at what you are…

There are many an RPG game where you gather a bunch of materials and “craft” stuff which is to gather lots of cool materials and then create some awesome sword or shield that will save you an epic legend in your own right. You may or may not need skills to craft something cool but you will invariably need materials, materials are the base of anything you’ll create. If your career was a craft, what…

Breaks aren’t simply for doing nothing, they are time for figuring out what to do between the work.  They are rolling solutions over and over again in your mind before going forward with them. Time is what solves your problem and helps with your work.  If you don’t have the time between your work to get things done all you’re doing is grinding from one thing to the next with no thought in between. Take…