The hard work, the problems you can’t solve, don’t get easier, they get familiar. We get better at solving them because we are familiar with all the constraints, context, and, constructs that surround them. Change any one of those components and the problem didn’t become harder again, it became unfamiliar. Step away from working on that problem for a few months and then go back to it, the problem itself isn’t harder, you’ve simply lost…
When learning new skills, you will experience new frustrations. If you give up, you will never get to growth. If you keep pushing forward, you will eventually get past the frustration point and you will experience growth. I’ve always called this point of frustration Craptivity, if you stick with it you’ll succeed and get better. It won’t happen overnight, but it’s the sticking with it where everyone falls off. But it doesn’t matter how old…
If I asked AI to draw me a picture in the style I wanted it drawn, the only thing I’d learn about drawing is how to ask AI to do something for me and pass it off as my own. AI can help, very well, with repetitive tasks, but with the ones that you need to learn, that will help you grow and reach that next level, AI cannot replace your own learning. And the…
Cars shift. If you’re driving standard, it’s a more pronounced shift, you need to initiate it, otherwise, the engine keeps revving. The persistent revving of the engine is the cue for you to know when to shift, you know by the sound that it can’t maintain its push unless you shift to a higher gear. Knowing when to shift, either yourself or your team is critical to growth and not as simple to determine as…
The only way to go is down when digging a hole. When you hit a rock, you switch from the big awesome tool to the small tiny tool that is slower progress but gets the job done. When one obstacle is cleared, you keep digging further and further until you hit the next one. Until you finally hit the bottom, and then you’re there and you’re done. You never know how far you are to…