


It’s not what it once was. It’s a different experience now. Before, theatres competed with 32″ tube screens, now they compete with 50″ screens with surround sound systems, that allow pausing of the film to get the best treat you can make for much less. And yet, so much goes into building and creating these movies, that one that makes $50 million is considered a flop (even though it might be great). The problem movies…

Teams are about picking the right people. Not always the best, but the right. With the right people, the team can do anything. With the wrong, they will never rise above where they are. What goes into being the right people – so much, and it’s different wherever you go but at its core – they have to be willing to change, to grow, to know when to lead and when to team and lastly…

Whatever you’re doing during the day, whatever you’re creating, you need an outlet to everything else not related to it that is not paid for. You need a creative outlet that keeps that great work going – whether it be in art, code, writing, basket weaving, quilting, etc, etc – you need that outlet. That outlet is what will keep you growing and keep opening your mind to new ideas. Find it, don’t sell it,…

But only if you start. If you never start, it will never get easier, it will always stay as an insurmountable task that you will never achieve or peak reach. The starting is the hard part, most people don’t start. But if you start, well then you are further than most that never have.

The hardest part, in any endeavor, is getting knocked down and getting back. But of course, you need to get back up with the same feelings you had before; Optimism Caring Happiness Enthusiasm You have to shed all the other emotions that have overshadowed it and do it again, same effort, same original feelings – not easy.