And carry a pen? Type on a keyboard? Be the first one there? Be the last one out? Wait till the end to ask questions. Whatever it is, just go softly, just be there, and let your actions dictate what sometimes becomes your words. Everything else will fall into place from there.
How is the New Year? Hitting every goal? Reaching every peak? Go easy, you’re only 26 Days in, stay the course, and keep on achieving your goal correctly and not by an indeterminate amount of time.
Despite not wanting Drama, it’s always there, lurking behind the scenes waiting to pounce when something, anything goes wrong and throws you for a loop. It’s waiting for an opening when you’re weak, when you’re tired, when you think you’ve had enough. It starts with an IM, a meeting that ends early, a coffee in the morning, something innocuous always. But it does always have the potential to end the same way, with you looking…
If you can close your mind to the distractions all around you. You’ll figure out what you want most and how to get there. But if you never close all the distractions, you’ll never be able to figure out how to get there.
How many meetings can you handle in a week? 5? 10? 15? 1? 2? If your limit is something like 12? Why are you taking more? Why are you accepting more? The failure in our meetings is that no one knows what our actual limit is so we keep scheduling simply because we can. We can keep pouring water into a glass because there is space in it, it doesn’t mean we want to drink…