Things are great when everything is going your way. When the weather is what you want. When your morning beverage has the right of everything in it with nothing to spare. When your code compiles the first time, it does what it’s supposed to do. Pretty much everything and anything you’re doing, is rocking and rolling your way. These are great days – When things Go our Way – and we are happy for them.…
I can sit you down and give you all the reasons why it won’t work, whatever it is you’re doing, whyever it is that you are doing it. I can come up with all those reasons. Anyone can, whether they know your business or not, they can come up with those reasons on the spot. It’s a new market. It’s not proven. Won’t you need more people? What if this happens? Is it worth the…
Getting additional opinions and input is not about validating that you are right. It’s about validating that you aren’t missing anything. In each of those successive opinions, there might be an additional grain of wisdom or value that you can implement to what you are doing that will help you along. Treating other people’s input as merely “proof” that you are right is not where their value lies, in it’s showing you what you have…
A few years ago I went back to using Notebooks more for tracking what I’m doing – read some books on task tracking and bullet journals and the like. Before this, I had been trying to do it all from some pretty nice colour coded and metrics tracking spreadsheets. Here’s the big lesson I took from the switch back to Notebooks. Notebooks change your view every time you look at them – you pause to…
You’re one month in, it’s time to Measure your Mark. What have you accomplished? How far have you come? What has faltered? What is working? What isn’t? Is it time to put some deliverables aside in favour of others? Have your priorities changed? Every month, you should be asking yourself these questions on the month before so you are not just moving forward, but moving forward in the right direction, the direction you want to…