No matter what you are working on, when you will complete it comes down to two definitions of duration. How long it will take to complete the work? How long will it take to deliver the work? The work itself might not take very long, but if you have to have x number of meetings, wait for testing, work through problems that are out of your control (but you know you’ll have to work with),…
Because when they are done, everything else becomes that much simpler. And if you aren’t sure what the Hard Things are, then do the work to identify what they are and start there because chances are you aren’t doing the hard thing.
Approach everything that way. Cool – no need to get hot under the collar, whatever happens, happens, accept, and figure out a way to move forward. Calm – you can only move forward when you are calm because that is what your brain needs to be able to process a solution (when was the last time you came up with your best idea angry? Collected – Keep it all in check, bring all the ideas…
The whole concept of growth is that it is uncomfortable. Growth sounds cool on paper – “I get older, I drive a car, I make money, I get stronger, I buy a house, I do work, I get a promotion”. But to accomplish all those things, you have to do the uncomfortable work in between to make it happen – practicing to drive, working with employers, saving money, working out, saving for that big purchase,…
If you’re good with failing, you’ll be great with succeeding. But if you’re only good at succeeding, failure will come awfully hard if you’re not ready for it. Failure is what makes the path to success great and that much more enjoyable. If only you can see it that way if only you can be comfortable with the miss-steps and screwups that happen along the way.