Getting in the zone is the best thing – you’re focused, and on point, things work, and nothing can fail. The question is whether you can get there when not prompted, or can you get there on your own, can you figure out a path to get to the zone when you are not prompted? Get prompted, getting told to do something to get there to get into the zone is easy, getting there on…
If you never lose, you never know what to work on. When you lose, you know what to work on next.
As often as I forget, I am just as quickly reminded, that all development is on the fly. You can do all the courses, go through all the reading, and understand what is needed where but at the end of it all, you are always doing development on the fly. You are always learning what needs to be done in the moment and figuring out the approach to get there and make it a success…
Stories save us in learning, they are what help us understand what to avoid, where to go, and what to do. They save the work of trying everything out on your own. They can be simple or complex, but in the end, the value they provide to what you are doing is what makes adoption simpler. They tear down the barriers to growth by getting through the what-ifs. They can make you smile and relax…
Try it. Just see. It doesn’t matter if you get it right or wrong, just try it and see. Because if you don’t try it, you’re never going to know what could happen and you’re always going to be left wondering what should happen to make to get there.