Video games are known for having their secret paths, hidden levels, and easter eggs – all the things that no one can see at first glance and you find simply by roaming around. But the roaming around takes time. You don’t find these paths after 10 minutes of roaming, you find it after an hour, you find it in the least likely of places. And then when you find one, you apply the same trick…
How you deliver? The path you took to get there? That matters. But more importantly, what you deliver – is it workable, does it scale, is it easily understood, can someone jump onto it next, is there a standard to it, how can it be used in the future – will always matter more. You can deliver great, quality, scalable, reusable work – in any situation you are in. Focus on what you Deliver.
It’s here, it’s finally here, we’ve waited all year for it. And now it is here. The calendar rolled over. Time to begin anew and move forward with our hopes and dreams. Or, and most importantly, keep going on the projects you started in 2024, don’t shelve them for the shiny and bright, keep pushing through.
I had an issue yesterday where I couldn’t figure out why the code wasn’t working. But then it started to work. I have no idea why. But it did. And now I’m stuck on a new problem – how did this all of a sudden start working? Because now I’m worried that it might stop again and I won’t have a reason.
Teams grow. Products get more complicated. Process encroaches. Security protocols enter the fray. You’re past Minimum Viable Product. Now it’s about growth, security, and maintaining delivery timelines and schedules. But never leave the small business mindset that you had and that got you there – think small, work with what you have, deliver big.