The Work You Don’t Do is always harder to see. The not complaining about others on your team. The not doing only what’s in your bug list. The waiting for work to be assigned before doing more. The not offering to help others. The begrudgingly doing the tasks that aren’t part of your job but someone has to do them. These are the work we never want to do, we never want to be a…
The Work that you Do is more than the code that you ship, the words that you write, the articles you read, the invoicing, the testing, and, in essence, the tasks that you do. The Work That You Do is not your job description. It is how you lead yourself, and how you lead others. It is your ability to show up when things are not going your way. It is the extra 5 -…
Where you do your best work is as important as the work that you do. The environment, the people, your surroundings, your knick-knacks that you fiddle with while on a call. These are all the things that enable you to do your best work. Your favorite mouse and keyboard (oh have I tried with keyboards) are what make you a success and take the “this feels awkward” out of everything you do and let you…
Can AI… Tie your shoe (how awesome would that be). Use a Pencil. Put their hand up to ask a question. Slide down a hill and avoid the rocks. Lead your team. Start a team. Okay, these might sound unfair because they are heavily involved in doing things and creating things that require more than simple prompts. What about dealing with inflation and keeping food prices low? What about preventing climate change and normalizing weather…
No one wants to be the last pick, but eventually we are. Whether it’s the school you want to attend, the job you want, the dodgeball team, etc, etc. Sometimes you are the last pick. What matters next is what you do knowing you were the last pick. Do you sit and complain about being the last pick or do you move forward and do something with it? Prove why you shouldn’t have been the…