


Timers are great, they give you a unit of time to get work done, and then you break.  You zone in and you focus in on that work to be delivered and voila you get it done. It’s incredible that the productivity hack of our lifetime boils down to tomatoes and timers that give you a block of time to get work done (I have a few of my own and I use the Google…

How would you generate revenue for your product? What’s the value it would deliver? How would you pay your employees? How would the company grow? If you have a great idea for an app and the money side ends with “Oh and we’ll sell ads” – you’re missing the most important part of what your product could be – the value it could create. Don’t end a great idea with ads (unless you’re an advertising…

Ideas don’t grab people all at once. People all of a sudden just don’t get what you’re proposing – despite all the infinite possibilities that you ran through your head and all the great responses you’ve already built up. Traction takes time and oddly enough it doesn’t require you to go as fast as possible. Think of a vehicle going up a hill, do you floor it and go up full speed?  Does that even…

Season Finales set up the next season. Their magic is in taking a break and creating that tension between the end and the new beginning. I was recently reading Patrick Stewart’s Make it So, where he pointed out the Borg cliffhanger that left many of us young Star Trek fans, waiting, patiently, very patiently, running through scenarios as to what would happen when the series began anew. We don’t have season finales in our work…

New teams… Offer new chances. New possibilities. New directions. New opportunities. New paths. New ideas. If you’re willing to embrace it.