Does it matter? If you don’t know enough can you figure it out? If you can’t figure it out, do you know who to ask? When things go sideways are you going to stop or keep pushing into it? The question isn’t how much you know, but how much desire and drive you have to learn to know.
Been reading some articles that Agile is on its way out – Oh no! Time for a new methodology to come in and replace what we’re doing (perhaps we can hand it off to AI). Agile is a Framework, Waterfall is a Framework, and everything other methodology you use is a Framework – when you put them together, you the Lead Developer, Manager, etc. – they become a methodology. Rarely have I seen someone follow…
“We don’t do it that way.” “We don’t need all that.” “We’re doing just fine.” “We’ll figure it out when we get there.” “We’re switching gears to this, forget what we said.” These are all signs of a delivery system that is tilting on the rails, about to careen.
Doing everything differently for every project isn’t going to help you move faster. Redefining your methodology during a project is never going to work, that’s an outside-of-project task when no project will be affected. Tweaks are good, but changes are not good. Tweaks – “Let’s log these types of issues as bugs instead of tasks” Changes – “Let’s stop using sub-tasks and stories and go to epics and tasks” Your methodology might not do one…
How this has become a meme of late is pretty funny, but it’s absolutely true and applies to everything. Whatever you do will be difficult, it will be tough, it won’t be easy, it might look easy, but it won’t be. But nothing in life worth doing is easy, if it was easy, we’d all be doing it.