


Communication goes through many people. Along the way, it can become distorted, messages missed, and chaos and confusion ensue, the left hand doesn’t know what the right is doing, and no one is sure what the other is doing. This happens, even with the best of teams, it happens. There is a trap that comes with these blips in communication – more meetings, more checkpoints, more communication – more, more, more – we need to…

The secret to catching up. You’re always catching up. You’re always behind. What you learn today, will push you to learn more tomorrow. Focus on the work you’re doing, not the need to catch up, it’s a neverending game and neverending games, never end 🙂

The next steps only happen if you’re willing to take them. Willing to look for them. Willing to see where they are. Otherwise, they aren’t there, you can’t see them and you don’t know where to go. But make no mistake, any next step taken is 100% yours.

We all have creative inside of us. We all do not know what it is. That’s the goal, find your creative, find what makes your work yours and no one else’s, and put it into everything you are doing. Your Creative Flow is what will differentiate you from everyone else, but you have to invest the time to find it and have the patience and commitment to put it into the work that you do.

The lost timeline is where everything went perfect, where it all worked out, where nothing went wrong and things came together without a moment’s hestitation. Nothing went wrong. You were perfect. Your team was perfect. It’s a lost timeline, because it never goes this way so stop trying to force it to get there.