Alone, in the game of a barrel of monkeys, each monkey can accomplish nothing, just lie there flat on the ground waiting for a pickup. Together, they can hold onto each other, lift each other up, and support one another, achieving what neither could do alone. Never doubt what the monkeys can do.
Books. Tools. Comics. Games. Cards. Tractors. Enjoy.
Enjoy the day. But Make sure whatever you put into this day, you put into every other day.
When someone brings up a PowerPoint at a meeting what’s your first thought? How many slides until it’s over? How long is this going to take? What template did they use? Why are they using transitions? What value is this bringing? Amazon has an infamous no Powerpoint policy, does it work? Does everyone remember everything they need to say? What if instead of having to talk about how to do something, you showed them what…
Is it the person who called it? The one with the most seniority? The person who calls the meeting isn’t necessarily the one who’s going to lead it. Their role was to get everyone together, but who leads it? What are you discussing? What’s the problem you’re trying to solve? Start there, that’s your leader.