Systems get a bad rap when all we follow is the system – do it this way or else. A collection of systems (and the freedom to add more) creates a toolbox where it’s left up to the user to decide which system they should use and when. This ensures creativity and growth are still being applied in implementing and developing new systems BUT also that what has been proven to work is still being…
Is it 4 days a week? Does everyone have to follow it? Can you opt-out (or in)? What happens when things go sideways? Do you have the technology to support it? How do you make it work? Have you asked yourself any of these questions or more? It’s probably the first place you want to start before dictating.
It’s not easy having to stay on the course when everyone around you is jumping ship for something easier. Something less uphill, less fight, less battle. It’s easy to move to a different course to avoid those battles. But staying the course, that’s where the magic happens, that’s where things get good, better than you ever thought, if you just stay the course.
Whatever great idea you have does it end with “Oh and we’ll sell ads and people can pay to not see them.” That idea has been done, it’s out there, and loads of people are doing it. Come up with a better model, a harder one, to showcase how great your idea truly is.
You can stop the meeting whenever you want. No one is holding you back. Many are probably hoping that you do. The ones who end the meeting without the “let me give you back 5 minutes of your day” are the ones who see the direction and value as fleeting and are willing to call it in an effort to do something better tomorrow – maybe change the objective, the roster or the time. But…