


When Leading your team out of the storm, they aren’t looking for Thunder and Lightning. They are looking for calm. They are looking for someone to lead them out of the storm with calm. Lead them that way.

If you’re saying this, if you’re thinking this. You probably are. You might be using product x correctly, but you now know that this is not the way you want to do things so in effect – yes you are doing it wrong. Don’t stop at GO, Don’t collect $200 – figure it out to get back on track. This feeling you have – this is the nascent birth of Technical Debt that many live…

Standards we follow, they ensure everyone is implementing repeatable work that can be shared amongst the team. I.e., we don’t need to use 7 libraries, we can use 2 and be great with it. Within those 2 libraries, be creative, come up with new ideas, and don’t be fearful of things going wrong. It’s in our creativity that our code and our work improve and grow our team. If you’re leading a team, encourage creativity,…

The best, absolute best, part of any video game is leveling up. You do a bunch of “stuff”, gain enough of “something” and level up. You become bigger, better, and stronger. And from there, you get “points” that you can spend to further your development.  Points that can make you smarter, and stronger, make old tasks easier to accomplish, and give new ones a better chance at success. It’s the same in life, except you…

Your level of effort is compensatory to what you will receive. It might not always be the paycheck today, it will invariably lead to the paycheck tomorrow. The paycheck might not even be monetary today. But whatever you hope to get out it will be driven entirely by what you put in.