You start here. Today. Now. If the group you are with doesn’t want to start, it’s the wrong group for you to be with. If all everyone wants to do is complain about the problem, then go work on the problem. You don’t need to be part of the meeting, and meeting and meeting and meeting to keep talking about the problems. You know what the problems are. Now go and fix them.
The hardest question you will be asked and there are so many ways to get there; Have a workshop – list everything out. Break into groups and build a focus around a problem. Ask each person what their Top 5 issues are, come back together, and go through them. Appoint someone to lead, give them your trust, and let them loose. Ask everyone to write a paper, and review the papers. Get anonymous suggestions from…
Start at the simplest of building blocks. Ignore the symptoms, find the cause, and find the root cause. Being there. It won’t be the popular choice, it will be the needed choice. It’s not the easiest one to make, but it is the one that everyone needs.
I guarantee you will never go wrong if you lead with your team first. There might be struggles. There might be ups and downs. There might be days you shake your head and wonder why you are doing it. But you will never regret it. Ever.
But is it your job to know how it works? If the answer is no, then why are people asking you how it works? If the answer is yes, and you are responsible for it than how does this problem get resolved? You can’t hide in a sea of unknowns if you are supposed to know how it works – no amount of diagrams or technical jargon will keep the problem hidden.