


Can AI… Tie your shoe (how awesome would that be). Use a Pencil. Put their hand up to ask a question. Slide down a hill and avoid the rocks. Lead your team. Start a team. Okay, these might sound unfair because they are heavily involved in doing things and creating things that require more than simple prompts. What about dealing with inflation and keeping food prices low? What about preventing climate change and normalizing weather…

No one wants to be the last pick, but eventually we are. Whether it’s the school you want to attend, the job you want, the dodgeball team, etc, etc. Sometimes you are the last pick. What matters next is what you do knowing you were the last pick. Do you sit and complain about being the last pick or do you move forward and do something with it? Prove why you shouldn’t have been the…

No I don’t. Not even close. I know things you don’t know and vice-versa. That’s the beauty of working with a team, you don’t have to be the expert at everything, you don’t have to know it all. The best advice I ever got for leading a developer that outclassed me in every area – “I won’t be able to help you with coding, but I am going to help you with all that other…

Feedback can come in intervals or as one big hose. The benefit of intervals is that you are able to give out the feedback in drips, watch for improvement, tweak, and give out some more. When it comes out as a firehose, the “giving” of the feedback benefits you because you get it out all at once and can move on. Feedback in intervals takes longer, goes slower, and requires you to hold back when…

Through every good and bad, there is a path forward. It’s not always clear what the path is. It’s not always clear where it lies. But it’s there. You just need to look for it.