


Probably not who you think it is. Probably not the person with the title. Probably not the person who gets the most goals. They might have some of the above, even all of it, and in some cases, they could be the leader of your team. But they might not be and that’s what you need to make allowance for. Titles, salaries – don’t make them the leader – they give them a position where…

“I didn’t say that…” But that’s how it was interpreted. There is always room for confusion in individual conversations but if all your conversations are being misinterpreted then there are two problems; Your audience is not listening; they only hear what they want to hear, regardless of what you want to say. You’re not being clear. Both can be fixed. Change your audience, and clear up your words.

Triage – address the immediate problem, stabilize, stop the bleeding, redirect, and move on. Full Serve – someone does it for you, all of it, end to end, your job is to ask for it and it is done.  Who you start with, is who you end with. Self-serve – you do it yourself, end to end, you’re on your own.  If you have a problem, you don’t ask for help, you use the tools…

There are exceptions to any rule. The goal is to ensure that exceptions don’t become the norm. Because if they do, there is no point in having the rule. And if you don’t have the rule, then the norm is what you tried to stop. Unless of course the rule doesn’t apply anymore, in which case you don’t need to wait for the exceptions to occur. You can just tear it down in advance.

Yeah, yeah, I know – there is always a team that wins. But when you lose… Did you get smarter? Did you get better? Did you get stronger? Did you learn what works and what doesn’t? Did you figure out what you would change for next time? Did you build a team? Did that team survive? You can lose and come out better for it.