


You don’t need everything, everywhere all at once. You don’t need to go full waterfall. You do need to know what you’re building. Why you’re building it. And who you’re building it for. If you’re not answering those 3 questions and keep trickling out the information as you receive, what you’ll end up with is a trickled-down app that kind of does what you want, for some of the people but they don’t know why…

When Leading your team out of the storm, they aren’t looking for Thunder and Lightning. They are looking for calm. They are looking for someone to lead them out of the storm with calm. Lead them that way.

If you’re saying this, if you’re thinking this. You probably are. You might be using product x correctly, but you now know that this is not the way you want to do things so in effect – yes you are doing it wrong. Don’t stop at GO, Don’t collect $200 – figure it out to get back on track. This feeling you have – this is the nascent birth of Technical Debt that many live…

This is different from Delayed Leadership. Delaying Leadership is when you know there is a need, you know there is a problem, and you can’t put your finger on it, but something is broken somehow, somewhere and your team needs help. But, this involves change, it requires a grinding of the gears, a breaking of things that are, and acknowledging that something different has to be done. So we actively work to delay any changes…