One chainsaw – consistently starts, is kind of powerful, doesn’t give up, keeps chugging, and needs some maintenance. Another chainsaw – new, strong, has the potential to do a lot, gets temperamental when you don’t position it properly or get the timing of the start wrong. Both do the same thing – cut wood, when you don’t want to be cutting wood because you need to cut wood. Which one are you going with?
Communication goes through many people. Along the way, it can become distorted, messages missed, and chaos and confusion ensue, the left hand doesn’t know what the right is doing, and no one is sure what the other is doing. This happens, even with the best of teams, it happens. There is a trap that comes with these blips in communication – more meetings, more checkpoints, more communication – more, more, more – we need to…
You don’t always need to be the leader, sometimes you need to be the glue. Sometimes all your team needs is someone holding them together as they work through a tough release or deliverable. They don’t need future inspiration that will come down the road. They need someone focused on the now to get them through it.
When something in your house breaks, you generally need to go find a part to fix it. You go to the store, you find the part, and then you figure out how to take the old, broken part off and put the new shiny one on. Sometimes they fit perfectly like a glove, like they were designed for it. But most times they don’t, either what you have is too old and you are now…
How often do you check-in with your team? I don’t mean a sprint meeting, I mean an actual check-in? We put a lot of focus on this during the pandemic, but are you still doing it? Why not? No time, no love for the team? If you’re not checking in with your team, how do you know how they are doing? Do you know how they are doing? You probably don’t, and if you don’t,…