I had an issue yesterday where I couldn’t figure out why the code wasn’t working. But then it started to work. I have no idea why. But it did. And now I’m stuck on a new problem – how did this all of a sudden start working? Because now I’m worried that it might stop again and I won’t have a reason.
Teams grow. Products get more complicated. Process encroaches. Security protocols enter the fray. You’re past Minimum Viable Product. Now it’s about growth, security, and maintaining delivery timelines and schedules. But never leave the small business mindset that you had and that got you there – think small, work with what you have, deliver big.
Want to know which option is best? Clear your head of all the distractions. Want to know whether you should take your job? Break it down to the two jobs and clear your head of all other offers. Not sure what platform works best for you? Outline a few tests, measure against those tests, clear out the what-ifs, and move on. Adding more criteria, more reasons, more questions, more options, doesn’t help us get to…
When you have to start paying extra because the implementation path you have chosen is no longer supported. That is the sign you’ve been waiting for to deal with the issue at hand. That is the big sign in the sky saying – “Stop, Fix this, Move On” All that money that could go towards new hires, tools and equipment is somehow being “found” to hold onto what doesn’t work and costs extra to maintain…
Does Boxing Day still have the same flavour and ring to it that it used to? Does it matter anymore now that so much can be online? Should we be treating it a different way now? How many decorations come down today? The holiday can stay, but maybe the purpose and reason can change to something else.