When your company is new, your licensing model is simple and perhaps even non-existent. “Want our product, please take it, and thanks for using it.” “Want to use it for your team? Here’s a team license.” “Want to use it for this building? Here’s a site license.” Simple, achieves the goal. You might not need a license today, but if your customers need to hire a licensing expert to understand what they need to buy…
Through every good and bad, there is a path forward. It’s not always clear what the path is. It’s not always clear where it lies. But it’s there. You just need to look for it.
That’s the only question you need to ask yourself. Every day. Every week. Every month. What does the team need? The follow-up is always the same. What I can do to make it happen? That’s how Leadership starts.
Upgrades used to control Software Delivery. How well do you upgrade from one version to the other, do you run them side-by-side, etc, etc? When we deployed client/server the big separator is that they were ALWAYS distinct. Now we live in a world where we can “toggle” between the old and new, bringing about its own challenges. If you’re building software that toggles between feature sets there are a few scenarios you should always be…
It’s the only way to get better. Use a spreadsheet, get a notebook, whatever works – build something that keeps it together. Scattered papers work for the day, not the week, not the month, not the year. Getting Organized is key to moving forward, it’s the only way to move forward, because it gives you the direction to move forward in, mapped out in front of you.