One Step Forward, Two Steps Back, Three more to the side and you do another lap. If you then jump up and over you might have a better chance. Better yet, we learned a long time ago on a Lion Hunt, that you couldn’t go around it, over it, under it but had to go through it. There are no clear paths, except the one you make for yourself. Follow your own path and don’t…
You have two choices in failure. Accept and move forward. Stew about it, get mad at it, live in it, always relate to it. You can look at those two statements and say – “I’m definitely #1” – but many people are not, #1 is who we want to be, but can’t, #2 is who many are. Take the time to stew about it, take the time to think, not too long though, because you…
The heavy work doesn’t lift itself. It can’t happen without you pushing up against it, nudging it, moving it, and eventually lifting it. If everyone could do it, everyone would be doing the heavy lifting, but everyone can’t. You can fed up with the heavy work, frustrated, angry, and ticked off at it. You can yell and scream at it and see how that goes. Or you can figure it out, find a solution, move…
Heard this from a friend the other day in regards to not getting something you wanted. You have two choices for you respond. Tell me why I didn’t get what I wanted? Tell me what I have to do to get what I want? One puts the blame on others, the other puts the growth and accountability on you. Which do you want to be?
You will make mistakes. Things will go wrong. You will get switched to another team. It might not be perfect. You will wish it could be better. And you will learn to move on. The question is how you are going to hold onto everything you did wrong and move forward. The longer you hold on, the longer it will take to move on and get better.