You didn’t sign up for it. You didn’t ask for it. In some cases, you probably didn’t even want it and avoided it as much as you can. But here you are, on that path, that unintended path. And you have two options; Make it the path you want to be on. Sit until you’re able to do #1. It’s okay to start with #2, but it’s not okay to stay there.  The longer you…

There is a difference between helping and cheating. Helping is providing options, suggestions, information, but not the answer. Cheating is providing the answer where there is no other path. Ask for help, not for cheats.

Your level of effort is compensatory to what you will receive. It might not always be the paycheck today, it will invariably lead to the paycheck tomorrow. The paycheck might not even be monetary today. But whatever you hope to get out it will be driven entirely by what you put in.

Or do we look at a long email and go – not worth the effort? Too many pages – that’s going to be tough. The font is way too small for me to understand. When you read, you consume, you ponder, you digest, you think.  In some cases, you can’t finish it all at once so you again ponder and think. You don’t have to read everything and anything, but if it’s sent to you,…