I like building the foundations, I can make them as durable and resilient as possible. I can build all the hooks and failsafes that no one cares to look for but are happy they are there. The finishing touches are another matter, they slow me down, and cause me to question myself and everything I’m doing. Because I’m no longer thinking about what I want it to look like, but what others might want it…
How many times did you say this PC? (Pre-Cloud) I remember physically going into someone’s office to pick up their machine so we could debug why some code wasn’t working on their machine. You can’t do that anymore, it’s not possible. Now instead of “My Machine”, it’s “My Environment” – things can work in one and not in the other, but the steps remain the same. What’s the difference? What’s there that isn’t here? How…
One chainsaw – consistently starts, is kind of powerful, doesn’t give up, keeps chugging, and needs some maintenance. Another chainsaw – new, strong, has the potential to do a lot, gets temperamental when you don’t position it properly or get the timing of the start wrong. Both do the same thing – cut wood, when you don’t want to be cutting wood because you need to cut wood. Which one are you going with?
Communication goes through many people. Along the way, it can become distorted, messages missed, and chaos and confusion ensue, the left hand doesn’t know what the right is doing, and no one is sure what the other is doing. This happens, even with the best of teams, it happens. There is a trap that comes with these blips in communication – more meetings, more checkpoints, more communication – more, more, more – we need to…
The secret to catching up. You’re always catching up. You’re always behind. What you learn today, will push you to learn more tomorrow. Focus on the work you’re doing, not the need to catch up, it’s a neverending game and neverending games, never end 🙂